Highway 61 Resurfacing Project Begins Between Knife River + Two Harbors
A busy and popular summer-time roadway will see some improvements with a project that started May 24. Highway 61 will see roadwork between Knife River and Two Harbors with work expected to stretch until the end of August.
According to details released by the Minnesota Department of Transportation, road crews will resurface 7.3 miles of pavement along that stretch of road. At the same time, they'll make improvements on the drainage system. Additionally, the contractors on site will also install a reduced conflict intersection at Highway 61 and County Road 9 in Lake County.
Summer can be an especially busy time for Highway 61. The route is a popular one for both Northlanders and tourists alike as they take a trip up the North Shore. Due to the nature of the work though, they need to perform the maintenance during the summer season. The Minnesota Department of Transportation is alerting drivers to expect lane closures and bypasses throughout the work zone while the resurfacing is being performed.
Current estimates for the timeline expect that it should be wrapped up towards the end of the summer road construction season. While a variety of factors (both weather and structural) can alter plans, the Minnesota Department of Transportation is looking at the work on Highway 61 being done by the end of August.
For more details about this specific road work or any of the projects coordinate by the Minnesota Department of Transportation, visit their online project pages. There you'll find a wealth of resources and information - including real-time traffic impacts.