Hibbing Taconite To Displace Historic Hull Rust Mine View
Even as the economy is sluggish on the Iron Range, Taconite mines are on the move! On the East Range, efforts by Eveleth Tac to continue their mining operations have forced the move of Highway 53 and the Mineview In The Sky overlook at the south-east side of Virginia. Now it appears that a second Range mine-view site will be moved as well.
Hibbing Taconites operations in the central part of the Range - north of Hibbing - have already caused officials to plan for a move of Highway 5 near Chisholm. Now it looks like the iconic Hull Rust Mine View north of Hibbing will have to move, too.
According to sources, the Cleveland Cliffs-owned operation plans to progress southward with their mining, swallowing up the Hull Rust Mine View, a disc golf course, a radio-controlled airfield, and parts of historic North Hibbing.
Officials with the company have proposed a land swap with the city and have plans to utilize the abandoned site by 2018.