Duluth PAR will be offering a Skate with the Bulldogs and Boo Bash skating events.

These will be FREE Community Skating sessions at the Essentia Duluth Heritage Center, 120 S 30th Ave W, from 1:30-3:30 pm, this Thursday, October 18 and 19 during the MEA school release days. Some limited skates are available for loan; bring your own if possible. Additional special skating events are planned for the following dates and locations:   

Skate with the Bulldogs, October 21

Help the UMD Men’s and Women’s Hockey teams kick off their season by attending the FREE Parks and Recreation’s annual Meet the Bulldogs Community Skate at the Amsoil Arena!  This Sunday, October 21, from 3-5pm BOTH teams will be on the ice signing autographs and having fun with participants. Diamond Max Entertainment will provide music; healthy snacks will be available; and prize drawings start at 4:30 pm.


Boo Bash is Wednesday, October 24

Test out your Halloween Costumes AND your skating skills at Parks and Recreation’s 6th annual BOO BASH! Show up dressed in costume on Wednesday, October 24th at the Essentia Duluth Heritage Center, 120 S 130th Ave W from 6:30-8 pm. Costume Parade starts at 6:30 pm followed by prize drawings for participants and kids who bring food shelf donations. Haunted locker rooms, Art & Science activities, games and Creepy Music spun by Diamond Max Entertainment will be all around for you to enjoy.  Treats will be provided. This event is FREE.

For bothe events, Bring your own skates.  Children 10 and under must be accompanied by an adult.  Helmets strongly encouraged.

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