Explore Minnesota Offers New Event Grant Money
There's an entrepreneur born every minute - often with the spark of an idea. It's turning that idea into a reality that often depends on funding. That's the idea behind the New Event Grant Program offered via Explore Minnesota. Applications are being accepted right now for future grant rewards.
In total, $60,000 is currently available via the program, with applications being accepted for grans up to $15,000 per new event operation or for bids/sponsorship programs. The new events grant program is designed to generate economic impact and increase media awareness of the state as an event destination by securing new or creating new events in communities.
There are some guidelines and requirements involved with the application process. Eligible events must be new to Minnesota and open to the public. Applicants must demonstrate support from a local tourism organization, have available lodging capacity, and agree to generate other funding for the event - generally a minimum two-thirds of cash expenses. In addition applications must be for events that begin at least six weeks after the application submission date.
To get more details and to fill out an application, click here.