There Are People That Write Your Sappy Valentine’s Day Cards
If it weren't for the card writers most men (and some women) would be lost with what to say to their Valentine.
Meet Greg Vovos, senior writer at American Greetings, and Anne McEvoy, a senior who have written cards for 30 years at the company Together they write cards for holidays including Valentine’s Day, Christmas, and Easter, along with Jewish holidays and other occasions like birthdays and weddings.
If you think it's hard to find the right words to say to your Valentine, imagine how greeting card writers feel. They have to say something that will catch the eye of people, not all people, but enough to sell the card.
According to, they both say they have to keep on top of everything going on in the world. What is the top TV show, catchy lines from movies, pop culture, plus they have to keep their finger on what's happening in society. For example, blended families, grief, mixed marriages, blended families. There is easily enough topics to choose from.
They both say that knowing that and reading stories of how people met, and how they celebrate, it helps to come up with some generic words that cover life events. Sometimes they have to reach deep in order to get that specialized card.
Each of them gave examples of how it's harder nowadays to write a card and also what their workflow is.
They talk about putting pictures from social media of regular everyday people and what they are doing and who they are with to start from. Once they get in a groove they can crank out a couple 20 or more cards.
For an example of changing times and people doing their own thing, Anne says, new love is not two high school or 20 something people meeting, it's gay, lesbian, middle-aged, and seniors.
All in all, they both agree they have a lot left in them. After all, there are many ways to say, I love you or get well, or I'm sorry.