I-35 Lane Closures Near Barnum Happen January 23 + 24
Drivers who travel I-35 near Barnum will encounter some lane closures during the week of January 20. According to information released by the Minnesota Department of Transportation, the closures will occur in the northbound lanes, on both Thursday, January 23 and Friday, January 24.
The closures are to facilitate the work being done by MNDOT crews on site. During the scope of the project, they'll be drilling core samples.
According to MNDOT's timeline, the work and the closures will only occur during daylight hours; the lanes will re-open during the evening and overnight. Completion of the project is anticipated to be finished on time, however a variety of factors can occur - including weather and other unforeseen situations.
For more details about this project or for information about any of the road projects being performed throughout the State of Minnesota, click here to visit MNDOT's online portal.