Duluth/Superior Pride Festival Set To Be Bigger And Better Than Ever
It's almost time for the 36th Annual Duluth Superior Pride Event and organizers promise that this year will be the biggest event yet. People from all over the country descend upon the Twin Ports each year for Pride which is usually held all over the world in June. The reason the event is held in August in Duluth/Superior is to make this a stand-out event without competing with other Pride celebrations and so far has helped make this event bigger and bigger every year.
Abby Gannon, who is the 2022 co-chair, and treasurer said to Business North:
After our successful comeback to in-person last year, we wanted to expand our events and offerings this time around. We brought back some all-ages, youth, and family-oriented events that we couldn’t support last year and added some brand new ones as well. We’re also partnering with even more local businesses and are excited for all of the new things we have going on!
The annual Pride event kicks off on Thursday, September 1 with the mayors’ reception with Emily Larson and Jim Paine and other area leaders to welcome everyone at the Duluth Depot. Having mayors from both cities actively involved in Pride makes a huge difference in how this event has been able to grow every year with their support being so crucial and appreciated!
Friday, September 2 kicks off the party with lots of different events from the X Party at The Duluth Flame, Pide Comedy show at Fitgers sponsored by the Boat Club, and Flashback at the Main Club.

Saturday, September 3 head on down to Bayfront Festival Park where you will be greeted by over 100 vendors, 2 separate stages for music and speakers, plus a bouncy house and fun tent for the kids. The party continues into the night in Duluth at The Flame and the annual Block Party in Superior at both The Main Club and Superior Flame.
Sunday, September 4 don't forget about the Annual Pride Parade down Tower Avenue in Superior and the Foo Foo Choo Choo train up the North shore. Finally, on Monday, September 5, and new this year is the " All Ages PRIDE Drag Show at the Duluth Flame Nightclub. This will be a family-friendly and alcohol-free event. Princesses, villains, and many other characters are scheduled to perform. Refreshments and kiddie cocktails will be provided at no charge. Kids get in free!"
Of course, there is so much more to see and do, please know that everyone is welcome at all of these events. For a full list of all the events, times and locations go to duluthsuperiorpride.com and on Facebook. Thank you to all the volunteers who put in endless hours all year long to make this event happen! And Happy Pride!
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