Duluth Huskies Lose 5 Wins, Drop To Second
Everyone was thinking the Duluth Huskies had first place wrapped up until this error popped up and cost the team some wins.
Each team in the league is allowed 14 position players at a time. What that means is an infielder or an outfielder and the catcher are all considered position players. Duluth changed a second baseman with the pitcher. That immediately made the pitcher a position player and threw off that number that the rules allow. Making Duluth have 15 position players.
So, the wins were taken away from the Duluth Huskies, and the losses were taken away from Waterloo and Eau Claire. All the other stats will stay but the losses don't turn to wins and the wins don't turn to losses. That's what Northwoods League Great Lakes Division president Matt Bomberg said to the press about the records.
The Duluth Huskies were in first with a record of 18-10 in the East Division but dropped to 13-11 after a loss over the weekend, and a game out of first. Eau Claire takes over first. With six games left in the regular season, the Duluth Huskies could take first place back, but now they are fighting an uphill battle. The last day of the season is August 11th.