You probably saw the ads on television and thought "yeah, right"; Domino's Pizza has been advertising their campaign to fix the streets in the communities they sell pizza in - an effort to "improve the delivery experience" via an aggressive social media and commercial blitz.  Well, that campaign is about to pay off for the City of Duluth.

Domino's Pizza has announced that they are gifting the City of Duluth $5,000 for street repairs!  The "Paving for Pizza" campaign will present the check to city officials at the upcoming city council meeting on Monday, November 19.

In order to accept the money, the city needs to submit before and after photos of the street repairs to Domino's company officials.

Customers of Domino's were able to nominate their town - or a town that they thought could use the street funds - on their website.  A quick glance at the online site shows that the company is working towards providing funds in all 50 states of the union - listing what communities have already received their funds.  They also have an interactive tool that allows you to see what damage various levels of road dis-repair do to a pizza in a box.


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