Duluth Curling Club’s House Of Hearts Fundraiser Gives Project Joy $31,000
Chris Plys is on Team Shuster, Curling for the USA team. His Mom Laura Plys is very proud of him. She also is very proud of her organization Project Joy. This is an organization that feeds kids in the Elementary Level. With a backpack full of food for kids to take home, that don't have enough.
The Duluth Curling Club held their House of Hearts Celebrity Bonspiel over the weekend and raised money to help the organization to get more backpacks into the hands of kids that need the help.
Laura Plys said on Project Joy's Facebook page.
Four years ago Project Joy found it's legs....today it found it's heart.. in the form of a group of curlers who raised $40,000 for charity!! ( 75% of the proceeds are going to fund Project Joy and the Backpack Program) Words fail me. I am beyond blessed and amazed at the generosity of these sweet people! My goal was to hit the $100,000 mark of monies raised by next year's fundraiser. Today...we met that goal and then some!! To date...Project JOY has raised approximately $115,000. That equates to over 26,000 backpacks filled!! 26,000 times a child has a tummy filled and doesn't have to wonder if they will eat over the weekend. THANK YOU Duluth Curling Club and House of Hearts participants from the bottom of my heart
The weekend puts fellow fundraisers with celebrity curlers from around the world and raises money through silent auctions, donations, and on the spot raffles. Prizes were from local businesses, business people, and from some of the curlers themselves.
Curlers curled in a tournament that lasted 3 days which included prizes, food, some spirits, and a party.
Here's a collection of photos from the weekend.