Douglas Cty Prioritizes Upcoming 2020 Census
The first census taken in the United States was in 1790 under the direction of President Thomas Jefferson. Since that time, increased elements have been tied to the numbers that come from the count - emphasizing the importance of an accurate process. As the federal government gets ready for the next census in 2020, local officials in Douglas County are ramping up the cause to make sure that every citizen is counted.
Recently, Douglas County officials formed the Complete Count Committee to make sure that the census in gets accurate numbers here in the Northland. It's that accuracy that can add up fast in tax dollars - with either a larger amount or a shortfall.
The Census count is used to determine both fair political representation and which communities will receive federal funding each year. Some state funding is also tied to Census population numbers. That funding supports education, healthcare, transportation, housing assistance and rehabilitation loan programs in addition to other vital programs. Wisconsin is one of 37 states that lost $1,338 for every person who was missed in the 2010 Census.
This committee will focus their efforts on making sure that the return rate is high. The first round of communication goes out in March 2020 - called an "invitation to respond". After that, the hard work starts - making contact with each household to get accurate numbers.
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