Daylight Saving Time Ends The First Sunday In November, Don’t Forget!
Why do we turn our clocks forward and backward and why don't certain states do it?
How many of you have been late or early because of Daylight saving time? Here are the explanations.
According to livescience.com, Benjamin Franklin came up with the idea to change clocks in order to save energy. He said if they turned their clocks forward in the Spring they would have extra evening daylight and would save money by saving energy.

It may have sounded good but DST didn't officially begin until more than a century later. Germany established DST in May 1916 as a way to conserve fuel during World War I. The rest of Europe came onboard shortly thereafter. In 1918, the United States adopted daylight saving time.
President Woodrow Wilson wanted to keep DST but farmers objected because they say they lost valuable morning light and that was prime working time. At the start of WWII, President Franklin Roosevelt re-established daylight saving time year-round, calling it "War Time."
In 1966 Congress made it official that the whole country had to participate, and no city within a state could not observe, making it uniform.
Why do we still have it? Originally, it was to save energy but most appliances and lights are more efficient so it isn't for that reason. Some states want to change their DST. Florida is asking Congress to stay on DST, while California wants off. DST mostly helps the northern states the most because of their location to the sun.
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