Things You’ll Hear At A Northland Thanksgiving
We have a unique culture here in the Northland. There are just some things you'll hear as a part of casual conversation around our part of the world that you won't hear anywhere else. When you get the whole family together for the holidays, that small talk goes to a whole different level. It's time to dig up those stretchy pants and start thinking about who is going to get one of the turkey legs, or that jello salad nobody touches. It has been a really tough year, and hopefully when we all sit down together we can have civil conversations and lot's of laughs over a delicious meal.
Oh, to be a fly on the wall in some homes in the Northland on Thanksgiving. Any of these conversations sound familiar? We had some fun talking around the station about things we've heard around family Thanksgiving gatherings in years past, or things you're likely to hear. I'm sure you've heard several of these as well!
Things You'll Hear At A Northland Thanksgiving

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