Beginning on Tuesday, February, 18th, 2014 the Duluth Police Department and Duluth Fire Department will be conducting rental license compliance checks. The Goal is to check all of the licensed rentals in the city of Duluth.


The following actions will be performed against the requirements under the city ordinance:

  • Physically check the posting
  • Verify the contact information
  • Correct or abate missing or incorrect postings by sending notice to interested party
  • Verify corrections
  •  Modify ordnances to allow for view of posting for a window or at secured vestibule.
  • Enact unique property owner license # in combination with the existing parcel # numbering system.
  • Higher level of security to the property owner by posting only license number and emergency contact information.
  • Increased records accountability for city tracking insuring correct name of owner and other relative information (must prove ID with photo) real name not an alias.

The City of Duluth would be able to provide better rental tracking of problem owners, renters and properties the data is and will be shared between police and life safety regarding CFM, and behavioral issues with any of the above and corrections.

Sec. 29A-32. License conditions.

  • All rental units are subject to the following conditions:
  • (a) No license shall be transferred to another rental unit;
  • (b) At the principal exterior entrance to a rental unit an informational notice shall be posted that
  • Complies with the following requirements:
  • (1) The notice shall be displayed in a conspicuous place;
  • (2) The notice shall indicate the name, e-mail address and telephone number of the
  • owner or managing agent.

If you have any questions, you can contact the Life Safety Office at (218) 730-4398.

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