City Of Superior Reminds Residents About Dog Licensing Law
If you own a dog within the City of Superior, the State of Wisconsin mandates that you need to have it properly licensed. Too often, people get wrapped up on the excitement that a new pet offers and they can forget about the logistics of ownership.
In Douglas County, the majority of the fees collected for dog licensing are turned over to the Humane Society of Douglas County; that agency in turn uses the money to shelter and care for abandoned and homeless pets. In addition, the dog license tag can be beneficial to the owner in the event that the dog runs away and gets lost; the number on the tag is easily traced back to you - the rightful owner.
In Superior, licenses run the calendar year - from January 1 to December 31. They can be purchased at any time of the year, though - with the following applicable rates:
Licenses purchased before April 1:
- Spayed/neutered dogs: $7.50
- Non-spayed/neutered dogs: $15.00
Licenses purchased after April 1:
- Spayed/neutered dogs: $12.50
- Non-spayed/neutered dogs: $20.00
Licenses are available for purchase at two locations in Superior: in the Finance Office at City Hall - Room 200, 1316 N 14th Avenue (715-395-7291) or at the Humane Society of Douglas County - 138 Moccasin Mike Road (715-398-6784).