Calling All People 100 Years or Older
If you are 100 years old, you may have a job. How many times will you hear that in your life? The City of Duluth Parks & Recreation Division is looking for those who turn 100 years or older in 2012 for the annual 100 Year Birthday Party Celebration.
This event will be held on October 17 at 10:00 AM during the "Senior Expo" at the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center (DECC). The public is invited to attend. Each honoree will be acknowledged by the City with a special certificate, a short biography, and birthday cake.
Your help is needed in identifying all persons in the Twin Ports and surrounding area who may wish to be our guest.
If you know of anyone in the above age group, call 218-730-4306 or send their name, address, age, and a contact person's name and telephone number by October 3rd to Gail Walkowiak, Parks & Recreation Division, City Hall-Ground Floor, 411 West 1st Street, Duluth, MN 55802 or
For more information on this event and other Senior Programs, call 218-730-4306.
Taken from the Duluth MN website