Bong Bridge Painting Project Closes Lanes May 6-10
Now that winter is (finally!) finished, the summer season is just around the corner! As most Northlanders have come to expect, that includes the appearance of orange cones and signs as the road construction season begins. Often, that includes our bridges here in the Twin Ports.
A week-long painting project will bring lane closures on one of the ramps of the Bong Bridge - May 6 though May 10. According to information released by the Minnesota Department of Transportation, westbound Highway 2 on the Bong Bridge will be reduced to one single lane from the northbound ramp of I-35 to the the southbound I-35 exit ramp. Work crews will set up signage and cones to close the lane to traffic in order for the work to progress.
Weather permitting, MNDOT expects that the painting project will only last the one week - with working wrapping up by the end of the day on Friday, May 10.
To learn more about this project or any of the road work performed by the Minnesota Department of Transportation, click here.
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