Belknap Street Project Update For June 19
Year One of the two-year Belknap Street reconstruction project in Superior is well underway with measurable progress being made each day. The scope of the $23 million project for this summer is primarily the east and west ends of the roadway that is also the route that US Highway 2 uses as it runs through the heart of the city. Next year the focus will shift to the middle part of the route.
So what's new? Here are the updates from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation as of June 19.
- This week, contractors will be doing concrete sidewalk and curb and gutter work on the west end - from Banks to John Avenue. On the east side of the project, crews will be completing the storm sewer from Birch to Hill Avenue.
One element that officials want to communicate is their plans for the upcoming 4th of July Holiday. All contractors will be off the job site from Noon on Friday, June 30 to 6:00 AM on Wednesday, July 3.