A New Jersey Teen, Jacob Rudolph, while accepting a senior acting award, came out to his fellow students and parents and stated he was gay and had been acting straight his whole life. What kind of response did he get?

Not only was it positive with his class, but reaction online after his father posted the video has been positive. With Twitter going crazy for Jacob and giving him reassurance.

According to his video on youtube he says

Most of you see me every day. You see me acting the part of "straight" Jacob, when I am in fact LGBT. Unlike millions of other LGBT teens who have had to act every day to avoid verbal harassment and physical violence, I'm not going to do it anymore. It's time to end the hate in our society and accept the people for who they are regardless of their sex, race, orientation, or whatever else may be holding back love and friendship. So take me, leave me, or move me out of the way. Because I am what I am, and that's how I'm going to act from now on.

According to The Lookout from Yahoo! News his father remarked on the video that it "took more guts to do than anything I've ever attempted in my life."

Rudolph spoke with NJ.com about his speech and the aftermath. "The more leaders who pop up in the LGBT community, the more it inspires others. It just becomes a whole domino effect," he said.

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