Having lived in the Boston are for twenty-one years, I'm very familiar with a Rotary (as it's called in New England) having driven through several each day. A rotary is basically the same as the roundabout with a few exceptions.

Many of the rotary's I've driven through give you access to three different roads, very seldom four. The diagram shows a bike path, pedestrian crossing, and four roads. As it states in the diagram, tractor trailer trucks will require more room in the roundabout. To me it all looks like a potential hazard.

I'm also not sure where the statistics on safety came from. I can say from first hand experience, there were many accidents in rotary's in New England, and they didn't have bike paths and pedestrian crossing was at a minimum. Driving through requires extra caution as you need to be constantly aware of other vehicles, and the vehicle that has the right of way, doesn't always get it. And then there's always the pedestrian that thinks you should stop for them, which can cause more problems.

There are pros and cons to everything, so we'll need to take a wait and see approach. Some tips: keep a watchful eye out for other drivers and pedestrians, cut the  tractor trailer trucks some slack, they can't stop as quickly a you, and make sure your brakes are in good working order. You'll need them.

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