Weather Brings Delays For Superior Garbage Collection
No one needs to tell you that this has been a powerful winter storm. The snow - and the blizzard-style winds - brought with it a slew of closures and delays.
One of those delays comes from the City of Superior in regards to garbage collection. City officials have released details that the usual garbage collection schedule for this week will be delayed due to the inclement weather conditions.
There will be no garbage collection on Tuesday, February 22. However, the weekly garbage collection schedule will resume again on Wednesday. Here's what you need to know - direct from the City of Superior's website:
"If your collection day is Tuesday, please have your garbage out Wednesday by 7:00 AM. All other days, please have your can out by 7:00 AM on your regularly scheduled day."
With the condensed garbage pickup schedule for this week, the City of Superior is also alerting residents that they should anticipate and expect delays in service as the garbage collection crews work to make up the lost day.
While the city often alters the garbage schedule for holidays, it isn't often that they do so for the weather. This appears to be a special case. As such, they've taken measures to get the word out - even including a message on their social media.
Additional information about Superior's garbage collection service is available on the city website. You can also call the city at 715-395-5833. On the city's website, they also include information about recycling - which is handled by Hartel's Disposal - a long-time vendor. Recycling information can be found on their website or by calling 218-729-5446.
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