Utility Work To Close Superior Lanes Of Highway 53 June 26+27
Repair work to emergency repairs made last winter will close two northbound lanes of U.S. Highway 53 in Superior four a couple of days. According to Superior, Water, Light and Power - a portion of Highway 53 between Second Avenue Eats and E Street will be closed to all through traffic on Tuesday and Wednesday, June 26 and 27.
A detour will be in place to direct light traffic around the closed area. Meanwhile, heavy or over-weight and over-sized trucks will be directed to use the truck routes already established through the City of Superior.
The scope of the work to be performed includes making permanent repairs to emergency excavation that occurred last winter. The timeline established is expected to hold - barring any unforeseen problems or conditions; it's also dependent upon the weather conditions.
To learn more about the project, click here to visit Superior Water Light and Power's website.