Utility Work To Close Oliver Bridge On March 13
Drivers who use the Oliver Bridge will want to know about a closure that will affect at least some of their daily commute on Tuesday, March 13.
In order to facilitate work on a sewer manhole on the Duluth side, the bridge will be closed from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM. The sewer manhole in question is located on McCuen Street at 96th Avenue West - right in the center of the roadway. In order to allow the work to progress and for safety reasons, the entire roadway will have to be closed.
It's worth noting again that the work will progress into the evening - with a re-open time scheduled by 8:00 PM. This is much later than usually expected by drivers who use this bridge. The past few summers - during the CN Railroads work on the bridge itself - work has usually wrapped up by late afternoon or at least by 5. This closure will stretch into the late evening.
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