USA Today Includes Glensheen In Ten Best Holiday Historic Homes Survey
It might be easy for Northlanders to overlook the importance and splendor that's right in our backyards. Our area is blessed with a treasure trove of natural and man-made beauty. One of the treasures located here in the Twin Ports is receiving some national recognition.
In a listing of the Ten Best Holiday Historic Homes, USA Today has included the Glensheen Mansion. The home gets the national credit - joining famous homesteads like Graceland, Biltmore, and the Hearst Castle. With the publication of the list, the newspaper is inviting readers to vote for their favorites on their website.
Most locals are aware of the history behind Glensheen; built in the early 1900's by early businessman Chester Congdon, the mansion was later given to the University of Minnesota-Duluth in 1968. After Elizabeth Congdon's death in 1977, it was opened for public tours in 1979.
As a public tour-able museum, the facility is decorated each season for the holidays. While the mansion offers spectacular views all year long, many consider the Christmas season the prime time to visit to see the decorations.
You're allowed to vote for Glensheen's placement on the USA Today survey once a day though December 10. Click here to vote.