Twin Ports Interchange Virtual Meeting Happens December 7
Another scheduled informational meeting about the Twin Ports Interchange (Can of Worms) Project will be happen on Monday, December 7. Similar to the most-recent meetings, this session being organized by the Minnesota Department of Transportation will be held in a virtual fashion, starting at 12:15 PM.
Drivers in the Twin Ports area may have noticed some of the advance work already beginning around the I-35 corridor near the Twin Ports Interchange intersection. Some related work on the 27th Avenue Bridge is occurring, with lane closures and the complete removal of that bridge structure a week or so ago. Work on the multi-year project is still scheduled to commence this upcoming spring.
The purpose of these informational meetings is to share details about the project with the general public, solicit input, and provide opportunities to get answers to any questions they may have. In an earlier incarnation, these sessions were held in-person; since this spring - to prevent the further spread of COVID-19, the Minnesota Department of Transportation is not hosting any in-person meetings. The virtual meeting will provide participants an opportunity to meet (in a virtual fashion) with MNDOT staff and ask questions.

The Minnesota Department of Transportation invites and encourages participation by all. To join the virtual meeting, click here to be directed to the landing page. Those without internet access can also join by calling 855-282-6330 and enter the access code: 146 775 3580. In addition, those unable to attend in person can access a recording that will be posted on the project page to view when convenient.
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