Three Girls Invent Straw That Detects Drugs
One of the biggest pieces of advice, when women are on a date, is to never let your drink out of your sight.
A woman orders a drink and has to go to the bathroom when she comes back, a man moves in close and she can't remember the rest of the evening. It's a story that plays over and over. It's hard to always police your drink or your friend's drink for that matter.
Three women have invented a straw that will help all women be safer when out. racoontv.net is reporting that it is the invention of Victoria Roca, Susana Cappello and Caroline Baigorri. All 17 and 18 years old and go to Gulliver Prep School in Miami. They call it the "Smart Straw". What you do is place the straw in a drink, it has two different test strips that will turn light blue if it detects date rape drugs in the drink. They say it can detect the most popular forms of drugs including roofies.
They entered it into a contest held by the Miami Herald and won first place.
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