The State Of Minnesota Is Now Ready To Begin Testing For The Coronavirus
The State health officials in Minnesota say they are now equipped to test up to 100 people per day for the coronavirus, instead of having to send samples to the Center for Disease Control (CDC).
Minnesota Department of Health Commissioner Jan Malcolm said during a news conference "The state public health laboratory had been working all weekend to finish preparation to test for the virus. This ability will help them more quickly detect and treat cases."
Governor Walz said during the same press conference "Preparation is not panic, preparation is the right thing to do, and I think we would be remiss if we didn’t understand that … this will get to Minnesota at some point and preparation is the way that we can contain it." Walz went on to say that so far there are no known coronavirus cases in Minnesota, a potential fifth case just came back negative.
Officials Continue to encourage the general public to take the following precautions:
- Cover your cough
- Wash your hands more frequently and thoroughly
- Stay at home If you are sick
- Prepare a care plan for any vulnerable family members
- Prepare for the chances of daycare centers closing
- Stock up on basic supplies
For more on this story click here.

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