Getting Rid of that Old Tree
Getting Rid of that Old Tree
Getting Rid of that Old Tree
The presents have been opened and all of the gift-wrap has been recycled.  No matter how long you leave your Christmas tree up - sooner or later you'll need to take it down.  If it's an artificial tree - you simply return it to the box that it came out of.  But if the tree in your house is of the natural or "real" variety - you need to dispose of it.  But how and where do you do that? Re
How Do You Dispose Of Unneeded Presciptions?  Annual Medicine Cabinet Clean-Out Day Is April 11 At WLSSD
How Do You Dispose Of Unneeded Presciptions? Annual Medicine Cabinet Clean-Out Day Is April 11 At WLSSD
How Do You Dispose Of Unneeded Presciptions? Annual Medicine Cabinet Clean-Out Day Is April 11 At WLSSD
The Western Lake Superior Sanitary District (WLSSD) is giving area residents an opportunity to clean out their medicine cabinets and properly get rid of their unwanted, expired prescriptions.  Their collection event is happening Friday, April 11 from 9AM to 5PM.  This one day event is your chance to dispose of these medications the proper way.
Superior Battles Emerald Ash Borer;  WLSSD Regulates What They Will Accept From Wisconsin Residents
Superior Battles Emerald Ash Borer; WLSSD Regulates What They Will Accept From Wisconsin Residents
Superior Battles Emerald Ash Borer; WLSSD Regulates What They Will Accept From Wisconsin Residents
If you're old enough to remember Dutch Elm Disease - when the U.S. (and northland) population of Elm trees diminished in the matter of a few years - then this news will trigger flashbacks.  Officials with the City of Superior have discovered the presence of the Emerald Ash Borer within city limits.  Now, plans are being devised to battle this destructive bug.