
Running The Red Lights At A Railroad Crossing In Superior? Get Ready For A $300 Ticket
Running The Red Lights At A Railroad Crossing In Superior? Get Ready For A $300 Ticket
Running The Red Lights At A Railroad Crossing In Superior? Get Ready For A $300 Ticket
I just did a story about how the trains in Wisconsin are in violation if they are on a crossing longer than 10 minutes. It can have a fine up to $500. Now the Superior Police Department is teaming up with Union Pacific and Canadian Pacific railroads. Giving tickets to violators going through the red lights at crossings whether walking or driving.
Superior Train Frustrations
Superior Train Frustrations
Superior Train Frustrations
Trains, trains, trains. Wherever you are in Superior, you have a chance of being stopped by a train. So heading off to work yesterday once again I get stopped by a lovely train. Now comes the choice do you wait for the train to pass? Or do you try to go around and use another route? But then you think it’s moving along quickly, only until it stops and goes in the opposite direction, oh good it’s m
June Is Rail Crossing Safety Awareness Month;  Minnesota Department Of Transportation Urges Motorists To Be Safe At Train Crossings
June Is Rail Crossing Safety Awareness Month; Minnesota Department Of Transportation Urges Motorists To Be Safe At Train Crossings
June Is Rail Crossing Safety Awareness Month; Minnesota Department Of Transportation Urges Motorists To Be Safe At Train Crossings
"Minnesota ranks in the top 15 states with the most highway-rail grade crossing incidents".  That quote from Minnesota Operation Lifesaver Executive Director Sheryl Cummings highlights the importance of train-car safety especially here in the Northland.
Train Companies Urge Amateur and Pro Photographers to Stop Using Their Tracks as Location Backdrops
Train Companies Urge Amateur and Pro Photographers to Stop Using Their Tracks as Location Backdrops
Train Companies Urge Amateur and Pro Photographers to Stop Using Their Tracks as Location Backdrops
We all know that we should never mess around with a train - right?  As kids we're told to not play on railroad tracks.  When we start driving, the instructions are to stop, look both ways, and go through train crossings as expediently as possible.  The train always wins!  So - why do some people think that posing for pictures on railroad tracks is an okay thing?

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