There are many ways to save money, people have begun to shop online, but sometimes you can save money by calling the company. You can save time and patience by asking for a stateside operator with most companies so you can understand what they are telling you. You have that right!!
It was my birthday last Saturday and I was reminded every time I opened my email box. It seems that lately my email box is filled with reward program offers, birthday club freebies and deals from businesses that can save me $$$. I'm sure you do too, so let's swap info and save even more money. These are the ones I have.
There are many ways to save money, people have begun to shop online, but sometimes you can save money by calling the company. You can save time and patience by asking for a stateside operator with most companies so you can understand what they are telling you.
Shopping online is undoubtedly convenient, but there are times when picking up the phone can save you some cash or, at the very least, scor