
Do You Experience Road Rage?  Take A Quiz And Be Honest
Do You Experience Road Rage? Take A Quiz And Be Honest
Do You Experience Road Rage? Take A Quiz And Be Honest
I wish I had this quiz printed to hand to the person that I was following over the Blatnik bridge on Monday.  He was tailgating, driving erratically and the two drivers in front of him weren't having it.  They pretty much blocked him so he couldn't get past either of them, it was very unsafe.
What Is Your True Age?  Take This Quiz To Find Out
What Is Your True Age? Take This Quiz To Find Out
What Is Your True Age? Take This Quiz To Find Out
Everyone is probably aware of what "generation" they were born into;  Social experts have coined terms like Baby Boomers, Gen-Xers, and Millenials to identify and stereotype people.  But there is also a lot of wisdom to the fact that we may have been born into a certain generation, but act or think like another.