
What Perks Do Former Presidents Get?
What Perks Do Former Presidents Get?
What Perks Do Former Presidents Get?
With President Barak Obama leaving office, he is entitled to a few perks. He gets a pension the moment he leaves office and some other things too. The part that I don't think is fair is most of these guys already have money.
Overwhelming Majority of  U.S Workers Prefer a Cash Bonus Over an Office Party This Holiday Season
Overwhelming Majority of U.S Workers Prefer a Cash Bonus Over an Office Party This Holiday Season
Overwhelming Majority of U.S Workers Prefer a Cash Bonus Over an Office Party This Holiday Season
No, I'm, not doing the bah humbug thing, it's right here in black and white. According to a survey by Harris Interactive, The Consumerist reports 2,059 adults responded to the survey asking (if given a choice), would they prefer an office party,  a cash bonus, or other perks, from their employer this holiday season.