A Proctor, MN family found a connection to a Titanic survivor and built an unique display in their front yard. They were featured on a PBS show called 'Postcards'
Duluth's PBS station has started offering an educationally-focused block of programs, along with local informational programs about COVID-19 in the Northland.
I don't get wrapped up in the whole celebrity chef thing. Most of what comprises the schedule of the Food Network bores the heck out of me and I never watch it. Quite frankly, if I see one more competition or challenge show I'll rip the knobs off of their Viking range!
Millions of people grew up with Mister Rogers (Fred Rogers) teaching them about feelings, getting mail, cooking, feeding fish, treating each other with respect, electricity, etc. Over the years he handled so many subjects and only gave advice, never preached and earned respect from not doing so and from the teaching with his program.
Mitt Romney can't just say he's going to put Big Bird out of a job and get away with it. Here are the best memes so far from the Great 2012 Big Bird Backlash that don't have curse words. Because in the mind of the internet, when Big Bird gets angry he grabs a rifle and starts spewing obscenities.
Here’s a look at some interesting events that took place on this day in history:
1921 – The World Series is broadcast on the radio for the first time (More info)
1945 – A six-month strike by Hollywood set decorators turns into a bloody riot at the gates of Warner Brothers' studios (More info)
How's that economy working? A dozen staff members of the venerable PBS children's show Sesame Street were layed-off yesterday. The cuts came from the New York City office.
Don't get me wrong; I wholeheartedly believe that television should have more shows like Sesame Street on the air, as opposed to some of the shows that pass as "children's programming" these days. Sesame Street has a long history of providing educational information to our children in their most-formative years...