In an article published on the KOOL website stating there isn't a 2019 tour this year because it was hard to get a permit, that might not have been the case.
Management of Nopeming Sanatorium cite 'tough time getting permit to operate' as reason for the potential of 2019 'haunted' tours not happening at the facility.
Nopeming Sanatorium has long held a place in the curiosity of many in the Duluth area. The building, which was built in 1912 as a tuberculosis care center, has succumb to age, Mother Nature, and vandals sneaking onto the property.
Just in time for Halloween weekend, the owners of Nopeming Sanatorium in Duluth have announced a series of tours to satisfy the creepy curiosity of the public and help in the restoration of the facility.
Last year when Nopeming opened up it's doors, Keenan McGovern was touring the building and was taking snapchat movies. He shared with me this very short video of, what appears to be a man walking or running. I have slowed the film down and showed it to you twice.
Duluth Paranormal announced on facebook that Nopeming is offering tours through the building today for $25 per person. If you have wanted to walk the halls and see the building for yourself, today is the day. Made famous as of late after being featured on the tv show Ghost Adventures, people are constantly breaking in.