john lennon

Take a Tour Inside Jeffery Dahmer’s House That’s Up For Sale [VIDEO]
Take a Tour Inside Jeffery Dahmer’s House That’s Up For Sale [VIDEO]
Take a Tour Inside Jeffery Dahmer’s House That’s Up For Sale [VIDEO]
As the old saying goes, "there's an ass for every chair." Someone will be the proud owner of the house that witnessed Jeffery Dahmer's first killing. When an interviewer asked why the house is up for the sale, a realtor replied " there are not enough homes on the market, and after all, the house didn't do anything." He did admit it might take awhile for the house to sell. Read
Song Advice from John
Song Advice from John
Song Advice from John
Much has been made of Paul McCartney's decision to reach out to some unexpected collaborators for his latest album, 'New.' But as he revealed during a recent interview, he still seeks advice from his oldest songwriting partner.
New John Lennon App
New John Lennon App
New John Lennon App
John Lennon's six-month sojourn in Bermuda, which ultimately helped provide much of the music for 1980's 'Double Fantasy' album, has inspired a new app scheduled to debut in the Apple store this fall.

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