
Could Oreo Trick Shots Get This Man To The NBA
Could Oreo Trick Shots Get This Man To The NBA
Could Oreo Trick Shots Get This Man To The NBA
Peter Bamford has way too much time on his hands, and a friend that does too. Peter has planned out some Oreo cookie trick shots and his friend is there with him filming it. With the NBA playoffs in full swing and some of the losing teams looking to fill their rosters, could this video get him a contract?
Big Wheel vs. Bus, Who Is Faster?
Big Wheel vs. Bus, Who Is Faster?
Big Wheel vs. Bus, Who Is Faster?
I don't ride the bus that often, when I did it seemed like you had to stop for everything or everyone. I couldn't just take a direct route, I had to take the bus route. You stop here you stop there. When I'm driving behind a bus they hold my car up.

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