
Conan O’Brien Reveals the World’s Actual Longest Cat [VIDEO]
Conan O’Brien Reveals the World’s Actual Longest Cat [VIDEO]
Conan O’Brien Reveals the World’s Actual Longest Cat [VIDEO]
Recently we uncovered video footage of what the Guinness Book of World Records says is the longest cat in the world. She’s 48 and a half inches long and belongs to a couple in the US. But last night on ’Conan,’ Conan O’Brien disputed the couples’s claim and showed viewers the actual longest cat in the world.
Injured Mama Cat Leads Rescuer to Her Kittens
Injured Mama Cat Leads Rescuer to Her Kittens
Injured Mama Cat Leads Rescuer to Her Kittens
In yet another amazing tale proving some animals are more compassionate than human beings, we humbly submit Jolie, the heroic mama cat. Jolie calls England her home, and when she was pregnant, some cruel dolt tossed her out of a moving car. She survived, and a kind soul fed her and eventually confined her in a rural area before calling the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. R
Paralyzed Cat Goes For a Swim [VIDEO]
Paralyzed Cat Goes For a Swim [VIDEO]
Paralyzed Cat Goes For a Swim [VIDEO]
Cats are widely known for their hatred of water  — in fact, the most trusty tool for kitty discipline is often a simple squirt-bottle. So it’s not every day you see one willingly taking a swim. After a cat named Mog was hit by a car and suffered nerve damage in his front legs, his veterinarian suggested swimming therapy. After a little initial reluctance, Mog took to the regimen like … well, like
Classy Cat Loves Perrier Water [VIDEO]
Classy Cat Loves Perrier Water [VIDEO]
Classy Cat Loves Perrier Water [VIDEO]
This cat rarely drinks water but when he does, it’s always Perrier. And don’t even think for a minute about serving it to him in some sort of low-rent bowl. What do you take him for? A stray? No, Perrier Cat is dignified. He has standards. When you pour him a Perrier, it goes in a glass just wider than his head. That way he’s completely enveloped by its mineral scent every time he takes a sip. Tas
Cute Kitten Gets Stuck In A Hamster Ball [VIDEO]
Cute Kitten Gets Stuck In A Hamster Ball [VIDEO]
Cute Kitten Gets Stuck In A Hamster Ball [VIDEO]
Chasing a dangling string is so last year. This adorable kitten opts for pink plastic hamster ball over the usual cat toy fare and somehow manages to submerge his entire body in the thing. Good thing the hamster wasn’t in there before he got in — that would have been one wild ride. Check out the video below:
Bizarre Cat With Five Ears Found in Russia
Bizarre Cat With Five Ears Found in Russia
Bizarre Cat With Five Ears Found in Russia
Cats already have remarkable hearing skills, but a gray feline in Russia found with five ears takes the cake for impressive hearing ability. According to Vladimir Obryvkov of the Voronezh State University of Agriculture, the cat -- named Luntya -- has two normal ears, two extra ears located just in front of those and then an additional tiny fifth ear.