Bob Sassone

New ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ Cast Members Announced — We Have Odds on Who Will Win
Donald Trump may not have done too well running for President, but he knows how to grab headlines by rounding up C and D-list celebs for the next edition of ‘Celebrity Apprentice.’ The latest hodge-podge of “actors,” sports figures, comedians and reality show, uh, personalities was announced this morning.
This might be the most interesting bunch yet, as we have a former ‘American Idol’ finalist, a

Canceled! ‘The Martha Stewart Show’ to End in April
People who want to find out how to make the best French Onion soup, how to write the perfect thank you note, and how to make a bird feeder out of old matchbooks and twine will have to find another source.
‘The Martha Stewart Show’ has been canceled.
![Watch How Well ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ Trailer Mixes With ‘The Lion King’ [VIDEO]](
Watch How Well ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ Trailer Mixes With ‘The Lion King’ [VIDEO]
We can expect a lot of mash-ups and clever edits with ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ trailer that debuted last month. We’ve seen one with cats, and now there’s a new one, which combines scenes from the classic Disney film ‘The Lion King’ with the audio from the trailer for the next Batman flick.
It’s a mash-up that somehow manages to be both scary and…adorable!
![JibJab’s Year in Review Parodies Charlie Sheen, Rebecca Black, and More [VIDEO]](
JibJab’s Year in Review Parodies Charlie Sheen, Rebecca Black, and More [VIDEO]
Every year, the folks over at JibJab give us an animated year in review, and they’ve done it again for 2011.
You’ll find a lot of 2011′s top newsmakers and stories in the clip below, including (deep breath) Charlie Sheen, Herman Cain, Lindsey Lohan, Dr. Conrad Murray, Arnold’s Schwarzenegger’s love child, unemployment, Anthony Weiner, Rupert Murdoch, the Japan earthquake and non-gay Bert and Ernie

David Letterman Wants to Be Pals With Jay Leno Again
David Letterman has been Tweeting lately. He doesn’t really get hashtags or DMs yet, but he is saying some funny things to the other late night hosts. On Tuesday he said something that might shock fans of late night TV.
He wants to end his years-long feud with Jay Leno.

Director James Cameron Sued for a Whopping $2.5 Billion for Stealing Idea for ‘Avatar’
Another day, another Hollywood lawsuit.
TMZ reports that director James Cameron, his production company, and 20th Century Fox are being sued for stealing the idea for the hit movie ‘Avatar,’ the number one film of all-time. A screenwriter claims that Cameron stole the idea from two different screenplays he wrote and wants $2.5 billion.
That’s right, it’s BILLION, with a “B.”

Rebecca Black is Google’s Top Search Term for 2011 — We So Excited!
In what may be the perfect summation of the crazy year that was, Rebecca Black, the internet sensation who sang the notorious song ‘Friday,’ was the top Google search term for 2011. Granted, Google doesn’t take into account searches that were made ironically and/or while inebriated.

If You Think Clint Eastwood Is Above Doing Reality TV, You Couldn’t Be More Wrong
If you were to name 10 celebrities you would never think would agree to appear on a reality show, veteran actor Clint Eastwood would be near the top of such a list (if not the top). But that’s about to change.

Barbara Walters’ ‘Most Fascinating People of 2011′ List Contains Dangerously High Levels of Kardashian
Every year, Barbara Walters releases her list of the ‘Most Fascinating People of the Year.’ The 2011 list includes a couple of people you could probably guess would be on the list.
It also includes more than a few people that will make you scratch your head and ask “did they change the meaning of the word ‘fascinating’?” (Yes, the Kardashians are on the list.)
![William Shatner Wants To Help You Recover From ‘National Unfriend Day’ [VIDEO]](
William Shatner Wants To Help You Recover From ‘National Unfriend Day’ [VIDEO]
If you got rid of some of your Facebook friends on Jimmy Kimmel’s ‘National Unfriend Day,’ you might be depressed or have second thoughts. William Shatner wants you to know that you’re going to be OK.
In this clip from ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live,’ Shatner guides you through the steps on how to recover from the feelings of denial and fears of being alone that come with Facebook “un-friending.”
![William Shatner Preaches Turkey Fryer Safety In Bizarre PSA [VIDEO]](
William Shatner Preaches Turkey Fryer Safety In Bizarre PSA [VIDEO]
This Thanksgiving PSA from William Shatner rests somewhere between his musical stylings and that time he threw a chair on ‘$20,000 Pyramid’ on the weirdness scale.
In the video below that Shatner made for State Farm Insurance, the onetime Capt. Kirk talks about the dangers of deep-frying a turkey.

Chelsea Clinton Will Invade Your TV for NBC News
There have been lots of changes in the life of Chelsea Clinton. On top of getting married last year, she now has a new job — TV reporter.