
Top 5 Northland Bugs That Should Be Eaten In New Trend, Insect Inspired Food
Top 5 Northland Bugs That Should Be Eaten In New Trend, Insect Inspired Food
Top 5 Northland Bugs That Should Be Eaten In New Trend, Insect Inspired Food
I am not warped, there is a reason why I came up with the top 5 most popular insects of our area that should be used in insect-inspired food.  Because a museum in Houston has a vending machine that carries only snacks made from insect parts.  I thought why not get rid of our top 5 most annoying Northland insects, can you guess which 5 they are?
Emerald Ash Borer Emergency Quarantine On Park Point; Brush Drop Off Site Issued
Emerald Ash Borer Emergency Quarantine On Park Point; Brush Drop Off Site Issued
Emerald Ash Borer Emergency Quarantine On Park Point; Brush Drop Off Site Issued
My husband and I have a wood burner so we are very conscious of where we can get the wood we burn.  We found that there are certain counties in Wisconsin that won't allow the transport of wood across county lines due to gypsy moths and the emerald ash borer beetle.  Now an emergency quarantine is in effect until February for our Park Point.
Chris Allen’s Kids Review The Insect Repelling “SuperBand”
Chris Allen’s Kids Review The Insect Repelling “SuperBand”
Chris Allen’s Kids Review The Insect Repelling “SuperBand”
I stop in to our neighbors at the BP once in a while in the morning to get something to drink or a snack and I saw this display for a "Superband" that would keep the bugs off your kids, they were only $1.79, how bad could they be. So, I had the kids wear them and here's what they had to say.