SWL&P Continues Utility Upgrades – Year 3 Of 5 In Process
If you live or work in Superior and notice a lot of utility work going on, that's according to plan. Summer 2018 marks year 3 of 5 for Superior Water Light and Power's major infrastructure upgrade project - work that will reset the utility (and the city) for decades to come.
The work is happening on two fronts: above-ground - in relation to customers meters and below-ground - with improvements to the water mains and natural gas pipelines that deliver the necessities to homes and businesses.
Modern technology is bringing major improvements to the way that Superior Water Light and Power meters the usage of electricity, water, and natural gas in residential homes and businesses. Whereas SWL&P had to have a human being physically come to read each meter in the past, they are phasing out that need with digital smart meters that wirelessly transmit date using RF to a central location. Besides eliminating the need for someone to actually have to go to each meter to read the information, the new meters also offer the ability for utility customers to track their usage and use the obtained data to correct potential energy leaks and make other improvements.
Work to replace all of the electric, gas, and water meters in Superior began two years ago. The work continues this summer in a variety of areas of the city.
Natural Gas System:
2018 also marks the third year of the five year process to replace the cities old, aging steel gas mains and service lines. While these underground steel pipes may not be readily seen, their importance is large in the scheme of things. Superior Water Light and Power is working to replace the steel pipes - which can corrode and break - with polyethylene pipes - which have a 300 year life-cycle.
Water Mains:
SWL&P is also using the Belknap Street Reconstruction as a good reason to replace nearly two miles of water mains along the street - which were installed before 1900. This summers work will see crews digging between John Avenue and Birch Avenue.