A main artery road in the city of Superior is on track to see a major reconstruction project.  Superior officials have released preliminary details about the two-year project they have slated for Hammond Avenue, to be completed between 2023 and 2024.

The work that is planned will occur on Hammond Avenue between Belknap and North 28th Street.  On the docket is a "re-envisioning" of the busy roadway - from top to bottom.  At ground level, drivers will see safety features, pedestrian and bicycle "facilities", and more.  Meanwhile, the utility services underground will also be rebuilt - including storm sewers and other service structures.

One of the most-noticeable improvements for drivers of the road will be that the annual winter "frost heaves" that form primarily on the stretch of Hammond Avenue between North 21st Street and North 28th Street will be addressed.

According to details released by the City of Superior, the project will be divided into two distinct phases:

  • 2023 road construction season:  The stretch of Hammond between Belknap and North 21st Street will be the primary focus.  Phase 1 will include partial funding via the State of Wisconsin Local Road Improvement Program (LRIP).
  • 2024 road construction season:  The stretch of Hammond between North 21st Street and North 28th Street will be the primary focus.  Phase 2 will include partial funding via the State of Wisconsin STP-Urban Program.

City leaders have detailed the following items as objectives for the Hammond Avenue project:

  • Reconstruction of Hammond Avenue with new pavement, curb, and gutter.
  • Create a livable corridor with placemaking and multimodal transportation treatments (automobile, bicycle, and pedestrian), and ADA compliant ramps.
  • Mitigate storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and water utility conflicts before they become an issue.
  • Improve drainage and storm sewer.

Ahead of the work, Superior City and transportation officials are inviting public participation to ensure that the project meets the goals and objectives of everyone - from agency officials to the actual people who use the roadway.

traffic barricades and road work ahead sign

That participation will take two forms. The first of which is a public meeting that has been scheduled for  Tuesday, January 18.  Interested individuals are encouraged to drop by the Superior Public Library between 4:30 PM and 6:30 PM.

Additionally, transportation officials have put together a 'Project Survey'. That survey allows users to prioritize the street improvements that they'd like to see made on Hammond Avenue.  There's also an interactive 'walking map' that allows users a chance to access a WikiMapping app that will allow for comments that are pin-pointed and pegged to specific areas on the provided map.

A road construction zone in Amarillo, Texas
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