Superior Reminds Homeowners To Shovel Their Sidewalks
It's been a while since Twin Ports residents have experienced a normal winter - one with snow, ice, and cold temperatures; so a gentle reminder about snow removal for homeowners probably isn't a bad idea - after all it's not only common sense, it's the law.
That's why the City of Superior Code Compliance department is reminding homeowners about their obligation to clear the snow from the sidewalks and paths that run in front of their property. In a social media post, the department provides a helpful graphic that not only details the law, but offers helpful suggestions for proper technique.
They also offer contact information that residents can use to report offenders to the Code Compliance Officer:
Code Compliance will focus on violations on Safe Routes to School and other areas of high pedestrian use first.
Reports of unshoveled sidewalks may be sent via FB messenger, emailed to or called in to 715-395-7596.
Please be assured that your report will be investigated, but it will be difficult to reply to all messages individually at this busy time