State Of Wisconsin Invests In Douglas County Schools
It goes without saying that computers have infiltrated our daily lives and no where is that more apparent than in our schools; this has become especially noticeable during the COVID-19 Pandemic - when a vast majority of schools have shifted to hybrid or all-virtual models. Computers help our kids succeed. But that dependency on computers also becomes a serious stumbling block if a student doesn't have access to the technology they need.
That's why a recent investment in some local area schools couldn't come at a better time. The Wisconsin Department of Administration's Technology for Education Achievement program (TEACH) recently awarded infrastructure grants to a variety of schools around the state. Locally, a good number of schools were at the receiving end of these grants - including the Superior, Solon Springs, Maple, North Wood, and Spooner school districts.
All told, the state awarded "[a]bout $3 million in TEACH grants...to 141 school districts and libraries across the state", according to an article in the Superior Telegram - which detailed the Wisconsin Department of Administration's process. Many of the grants went to rural school districts - which "...expand[ed] capacity for [them] to utilize technology".
The Superior School District was the recipient of $1,625 in gran money, while Solon Springs received $22,115, and Maple was awarded $50,393.

The Wisconsin Department of Administration's Technology for Education Achievement program was expected to end - budget wise - in June 2021. However, the most-recent biennial budget for Wisconsin (2021-2023) has the program extended and funded through June 2025.
To learn more about the TEACH grants and to see a full list of all of the state-wide recipients, click here to visit their website.