St. Louis County Resumes In-Person – Appointment Visits + Debuts App
St. Louis County residents and property owners that need to conduct business with the county will have a (slightly) easier time of it again. The county is resuming limited in-person services by appointment; they've also introduced an app to handle the social-distancing part of the process. The new configuration started July 13.
The added in-person will be available to individuals who have a difficult time accessing county services remotely (i.e. using online options). The county continues to recommend that people access services using the telephone, email, mail, or online whenever possible. St. Louis County government buildings continue to remain closed to the general public.
Here are the changes to access that started July 13:
- The Recorders Office now has expanded curbside service by appointment - in Duluth, Virginia, and Hibbing. The office has also added a new option for people to schedule appointments online. This service is limited to urgent/emergency needs and vital records requests only. Click here for more details or call 218-726-2559.
- Public Health and Human Services will begin offering in-person appointments on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for select services in Duluth and Virginia. People who need assistance should first call the triage line to talk to a financial worker to determine if an appointment is needed: 218-726-2274 in Duluth or 218-471-7391 in Virginia.
- The Planning and Community Development Department will offer in-person appointments from the Virginia office on Wednesdays. Call 218-749-7103 to arrange an appointment.
- The Auditor's Office is offering curbside service by appointment in Duluth and Virginia for anyone wishing to request an absentee ballot, or who wishes to vote by absentee ballot. Call 218-726-2385 in Duluth or 218-749-7104 in Virginia.
- The county has developed a No Wait Inside App - which will send text notifications to the individual alerting them when it's their turn to enter the building and other necessary instructions to follow.
In addition, The St. Louis County Board will resume in-person attendance at it's Tuesday, July 14 meeting at the Duluth Courthouse. Seating will be limited to 10 citizens to ensure safe social distancing. People can leave their commentary in advance by leaving a voice message at 218-726-2109 - to be played ta the Board meeting.

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