St. Louis County Public Works Completes Record-Setting 2016 Construction Year
If it seemed like the road crews around St. Louis County were busy this past year- you're right! The Public Works Department just wrapped-up a record-setting year of accomplishments.
Speaking financially, the county plowed $84.5 million into road and bridge investments - over a course of 204 total projects. 2016 was the first full year of revenue from the Transportation Sales Tax; meanwhile, the County Board also approved the issuance of two bonds which further accelerated the work on roads and bridges.
Here are some highlights:
26 bridges replaced - 20 built by contractors and 6 built by county staff.
12 miles of culverts replaced.
4 miles of complete road reconstruction
108 miles of pavement preservation projects - such as reclaim overlay, mill overlays, and overlay.
102 miles of preventative maintenance projects - such as chip sealing and micro-surfacing.
15 miles of Gravel Road Investment Program projects.
To read more, click here to visit the announcement from St. Louis County.