Shirley MacLaine Tells Oprah: I Slept With Three Men in One Day
Shirley MacLaine had quite the revealing interview on yesterday's episode of 'The Oprah Winfrey Show.'
The Oscar-winning actress, who was there to promote her new book,'I'm Over All That: And Other Confessions,' told Oprah she had "an awful lot of lovers" in her time ("and a lot of awful lovers, too," she quipped), including one instance in which she slept with three people in one day.
"I wasn't into 'sexcapades' -- although I tried it once. I had three people in one day," she said, before giving a thumbs down to the audience.
"It was on a political campaign, where everybody was doing the same things ... I just didn't want to be left out," she said.
Still, not everybody attracted MacLaine. Of her 'Apartment' co-star Jack Lemmon, she said, "He was a sweetheart. He was like my Aunt Rose. He didn't have that dangerous, complicated, sexual dominating confusion that I liked helping the men I was attracted to, figure out."
And what about 'Terms of Endearment' co-star Jack Nicholson? MacLaine said he was "too much," adding that he is "authentically dangerous." Yikes.
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