
‘Viagra for Women’ Getting Closer, Currently in Trials
‘Viagra for Women’ Getting Closer, Currently in Trials
‘Viagra for Women’ Getting Closer, Currently in Trials
Mad scientists have been hard at work trying to develop a sex-drive-enhancement drug for women ever since those wily old coots emerged nearly 15 years ago with a little blue pill called Viagra. Interestingly enough, it appears as if science is no match for men dedicated to breeding a society full of hornier women, because those fiends have done it.
Shirley MacLaine Tells Oprah: I Slept With Three Men in One Day
Shirley MacLaine Tells Oprah: I Slept With Three Men in One Day
Shirley MacLaine Tells Oprah: I Slept With Three Men in One Day
Shirley MacLaine had quite the revealing interview on yesterday's episode of 'The Oprah Winfrey Show.' The Oscar-winning actress, who was there to promote her new book,'I'm Over All That: And Other Confessions,' told Oprah she had "an awful lot of lovers" in her time ("and a lot of awful lovers, too," she quipped), including one instance in which she slept with three people in
Men Think They Look Better After Sex, Women Worse
Men Think They Look Better After Sex, Women Worse
Men Think They Look Better After Sex, Women Worse
Mmmm, interesting thoughts on the subject. Both male and female adolescents experience shifts in overall satisfaction with their appearances after having sex for the first time, according to a study published in the journal Adolescence.

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