Share Your COVID-19 Story For People To Discover
The St. Louis County Historical Society is looking for your stories, memories, and pictures to let people in the future know what it was like.
This Pandemic will change our lives forever, and we will have this as a memory like 9/11. What were we doing, how did we cope, what did it look like?
The St. Louis County Historical Society is looking for people to share how they stay at home, social distancing, and fear of the COVID-19 has affected their lives. The Historical Society is looking for you to share your diaries, mask patterns, recipes for homemade food, stories about hand sanitizers, distance-learning lesson plans, social distancing signs, or ways you dealt with having to stand apart, quarantine crafts, tv shows or movies you watched, and more.
They want you to think about what you are doing to mark the time, or maybe start. I mentioned a diary before, maybe start one with your thoughts and your feelings and what you are observing. Turn in your pictures, movies, whatever you are using or doing. It's still happening so nothing should be turned in.
When you are ready to turn things in, the society wants you to share the story, why was it important, why did you keep it or use it. Maybe share your stories in a short book.
- · How has this pandemic affected you and your family?
- · Are you social distancing? If not, why not?
- · What movies, books, or music are you enjoying? Are you binge-watching TV series?
- · Are you cooking more? Have you discovered any new recipes?
- · How have business closings affected you?
- · Are you working from home now? Or are you searching for a job?
- · How are your children dealing with distance learning, high-stress levels, and general uncertainties?
- · Do you have a front-line or essential worker in your family? How has that affected your family?