Senseless Vandalism At The Ely Area Veterans Memorial Angers Me
You've heard this rant from me before and I'll say it again, "I just don't get it!" What does one get out of damaging property that doesn't belong to them? For instance, when the Two Harbors honking tree was cut down and when that young man caused extensive damage to the DTA hub in downtown Duluth just before it opened. Why, why, why?
Now it's the community of Ely that is dealing with someone cutting down five, FIVE flowering crabapple trees at what should be considered sacred ground, the Ely Area Veterans Memorial. Is it kids that don't understand why our Veterans are honored? I can't believe an adult could live with themselves after damaging something that was placed there to honor those that risked life, sacrificed family time and dedicated their lives to protect ours.
They were relatively new trees, just starting to get their roots for years of landscaping for the Memorial, they were only planted last year. Now we go into damage control because of the selfish, needless actions of an individual(s) for no reason whatsoever.
First, if you know who did it or have information to share, please call the Ely Police Department at 218.226.5477. There is a reward of $800 being offered. Several community members have come forward offering to replace the trees and there is a gofundme page for the project that is still in progress if you would like to donate.
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