Public Meeting For Superior’s Active Transportation Plan Happens March 4
The City of Superior has a long history of encouraging forms of transportation that don't include gasoline engines. For the last few decades, there has been a concerted effort to make the city "walk-able", "bike-able", and pedestrian friendly.
Fast-forward to 2020 and now the City of Superior - along with its partners - is developing the first Active Transportation Plan. In order to make it representative of the community as a whole, they're staging a series of public involvement meetings; the first of these is scheduled for Wednesday, March 4, 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM, at the Superior Public Library.
The meeting will be conducted in an Open House-style. Participants are encouraged to stop by and provide their input on walking and bicycling facility recommendations as well as policy recommendations aimed at improving walking and bicycling in Superior. Attendees can drop in any time during the Open House to take part.
Interested persons can view the "Existing Conditions Report" prior to attending; click here. This study details the history of pedestrian and bicycling routes in the city, along with the data to substantiate the proposed changed.